
TitlePublish DateSource
Implementing Elasticsearch CPU usage based auto scaling2023-07-13 14:18:58+00:00Mercari
Bucket full of secrets – Terraform exfiltration2023-07-06 11:21:39+00:00Mercari
Mercari Hack Fest #7 : Introducing the Winners!2023-06-30 11:47:48+00:00Mercari
Designing iOS Screen Navigation for Best UX2023-06-28 10:00:10+00:00Mercari
Mercari QA and Compose for Android automation2023-06-20 19:46:32+00:00Mercari
Mercari Ranked #1 in Developer Experience Branding Ranking at “Developer eXperience AWARD 2023” for two years in a row2023-06-19 17:00:00+00:00Mercari
Resilient Retry and Recovery Mechanism: Enhancing Fault Tolerance and System Reliability2023-06-19 10:00:44+00:00Mercari
Improving Item Recommendation Accuracy Using Collaborative Filtering and Vector Search Engine2023-06-12 11:00:53+00:00Mercari
New Materials and Videos from Mercari’s 2023 DevDojo Now Available!2023-06-02 14:14:41+00:00Mercari
The Art of the Security Double Play: How Mercari Combines Internal Audits and Custom CodeQL Queries to Keep Systems Safe2023-05-14 09:00:32+00:00Mercari
Organizing a Successful Internal Hackathon: Mercari Hack Fest Spring 20232023-04-17 16:00:22+00:00Mercari
Model management for client side ML powered by Firebase2023-04-17 13:00:42+00:00Mercari
Using the OAuth 2 token exchange standard for managing the identity platform resources2023-04-14 15:44:17+00:00Mercari
Follow the White Rabbit: Finding The Women With The Red Dress In A Torrent of Event Logs2023-03-15 14:00:50+00:00Mercari
Fast and reliable iOS builds with Bazel at Mercari2023-03-01 11:00:46+00:00Mercari
Mercari Customer Service Tool’s Frontend Replacement Project2023-01-31 16:27:16+00:00Mercari
Applying OAuth 2.0 and OIDC to first-party services2023-01-30 15:53:51+00:00Mercari
The Journey to Machine-Learned Re-ranking2023-01-01 14:24:46+00:00Mercari
Supply-Chain Security: Evaluation of Threats and Mitigations2022-12-26 17:00:02+00:00Mercari
Look back of Mercari Engineering 20222022-12-25 11:00:07+00:00Mercari
A brief story about the rotation program and my role in it2022-12-24 12:00:20+00:00Mercari
Working in a cross functional team2022-12-24 10:00:59+00:00Mercari
Customer Inquiry Routing Algorithm2022-12-24 10:00:10+00:00Mercari
Fraud, How do we handle it ?2022-12-24 01:00:36+00:00Mercari
Introducing Swift Concurrency to Merpay code2022-12-23 12:00:59+00:00Mercari
Showcasing “DevDojo,” a Series of Mercari-Developed Learning Content for Engineering2022-12-23 10:52:04+00:00Mercari
The Journey of Invoice Microservice: From Birth to Independence2022-12-20 12:00:21+00:00Mercari
Optimizing React Re-Renders for Improved Performance2022-12-20 10:54:05+00:00Mercari
What is Data Reliability Engineering2022-12-19 11:00:21+00:00Mercari
Moving to cloud: How to do Migrations the wrong way2022-12-18 11:00:41+00:00Mercari
Mercari India : The story of Mercari Group’s first ever Global Center of Excellence2022-12-17 11:00:55+00:00Mercari
Towards the new Product & Engineering at Merpay – 5th anniversary edition2022-12-16 12:00:58+00:00Mercari
Do We Need Engineers in a ChatGPT World?2022-12-16 11:00:29+00:00Mercari
Exploring the possibility of Istio Ingress Gateway2022-12-14 17:04:40+00:00Mercari
Seamless critical traffic migration with CoreDNS request rewrite feature2022-12-13 18:40:20+00:00Mercari
Merpay Actionable History – Displaying Millions of Payments with Lightning Speed2022-12-12 12:00:00+00:00Mercari
Knowledge sharing problems and practices2022-12-11 12:00:05+00:00Mercari
Ten Tips to Improve Your Technical Writing2022-12-11 11:00:41+00:00Mercari
My journey from an SWE Intern at Mercari JP to SWE at Mercari India2022-12-10 11:00:36+00:00Mercari
The importance of role definitions in an organization2022-12-09 11:00:24+00:00Mercari
Mimicking a Holographic Effect for Mercard2022-12-08 12:00:48+00:00Mercari
Web Design System: Migrating Web Components To React2022-12-08 11:00:11+00:00Mercari
SIG-Scheduling Deep Dive (Kubecon Recap)2022-12-06 16:00:26+00:00Mercari
Capturing and applying knowledge through a PKM practice2022-12-04 11:00:50+00:00Mercari
Mercari Hack Fest : Unlimited Hacktivity – The Result!2022-12-01 11:00:59+00:00Mercari
The Four-Year history to migrate Mercari Web to Microservices2022-11-25 14:00:56+00:00Mercari
Mercari Advent Calendar 2022 is coming up!2022-11-24 11:30:41+00:00Mercari
Introduction of CoreSRE2022-10-28 12:00:00+00:00Mercari
Benchmarking Automation to Maintain Search Response Performance2022-10-26 16:30:18+00:00Mercari
Mercari India Backend Team Intro Video at First-Ever Online Meet-Up!2022-10-13 19:29:28+00:00Mercari
Leverage Kotlin in your Android CI2022-10-13 11:00:05+00:00Mercari
Restructuring the Kubernetes Threat Matrix and Evaluating Attack Detection by Falco2022-10-11 15:18:49+00:00Mercari
Attempt to improve item recommendation accuracy using Item2vec2022-10-04 11:00:56+00:00Mercari
Building secure apps using Web Workers2022-10-03 11:00:26+00:00Mercari
メルカリShopsのデータを用いて価格推定モデルを検証してみた | Souzoh Intern2022-09-16 18:07:34+00:00Mercari
Understanding and Modernizing a Legacy Codebase2022-09-09 15:58:41+00:00Mercari
Decrypting Cryptography Basics: Practical Exercises to Fathom Theory (Part 1)2022-08-31 20:48:32+00:00Mercari
Who Watches the Watchmen? Keeping an Eye on Our Monitoring Systems2022-08-05 15:32:01+00:00Mercari
An Exhaustive Guide to Supporting Engineers Sustainably with Remote Onboarding Programs2022-08-03 16:26:18+00:00Mercari
Machine learning pipelines with manual confirmation2022-08-02 11:00:23+00:00Mercari
Aim to have five to eight people on each backend team2022-08-01 11:00:31+00:00Mercari
The Mobile Attack Surface2022-07-29 16:51:24+00:00Mercari
What the Microservices SRE Team are doing as SRE Evangelists2022-07-27 14:00:54+00:00Mercari
Dealing with Legacy Systems2022-07-25 15:00:03+00:00Mercari
React Summit 2022 – A Recap and Future Promise for Web Based Applications2022-07-21 17:00:05+00:00Mercari
The to-do list for terminating a payment service2022-07-14 10:00:25+00:00Mercari
An Example of Applying DDL to MySQL DBs with Special Structures2022-07-04 14:00:38+00:00Mercari
What it’s like to work as an embedded microservices SRE2022-06-30 16:00:49+00:00Mercari
We have created unit testing guidelines2022-06-28 10:00:58+00:00Mercari
Migrating gchammer from Google App Engine to Cloud Run2022-06-28 10:00:04+00:00Mercari
Nuxt.js initialization2022-06-27 10:00:34+00:00Mercari
Multi-module development to support Merpay scalability2022-06-24 10:00:23+00:00Mercari
Operational Tips on using Elasticsearch2022-06-23 15:00:03+00:00Mercari
Case study: Using Kubernetes HPA external metrics2022-06-15 15:00:24+00:00Mercari
Securing the SDLC at Mercari: Solutions for Automated Code Scanning2022-06-10 16:10:05+00:00Mercari
Automation of Terraform for AWS2022-06-06 15:30:46+00:00Mercari
Automatically generating snapshot tests from Xcode Previews2022-06-02 10:00:52+00:00Mercari
How we introduced mob programming to handle tasks as a team2022-06-01 10:00:56+00:00Mercari
Android automated testing to support one-week releases2022-05-31 10:00:23+00:00Mercari
Suspecting the Unsuspected. Extracting and Analyzing Log Anomalies2022-05-27 16:53:07+00:00Mercari
Practical alerts based on user impact2022-05-27 11:00:00+00:00Mercari
Terraform CI code execution restrictions2022-05-19 13:28:08+00:00Mercari
What We Talk About When We Talk About Quality Assurance.2022-05-17 11:00:22+00:00Mercari
Detection Engineering and SOAR at Mercari2022-05-13 21:52:08+00:00Mercari
Improving the engineer experience2022-05-12 11:00:16+00:00Mercari
Running distributed testing to reduce testing time2022-05-11 11:00:49+00:00Mercari
Threat Modeling at Mercari2022-04-28 10:00:42+00:00Mercari
KYC Process in Mercari Group2022-04-28 09:47:40+00:00Mercari
Learn the differences of Test Doubles2022-04-22 12:00:45+00:00Mercari
Security Tech Blog Series: Spring Cleaning for Security2022-04-21 13:04:05+00:00Mercari
The Merpay SRE Team: Past and future2022-04-19 13:00:52+00:00Mercari
NFTs Explained Quick: From Zero to Hero2022-04-18 10:00:35+00:00Mercari
Federating a multicultural engineering organization around the same language (Part 1)2022-04-15 10:00:52+00:00Mercari
Conducting 1-on-1 and Contributing to Members’ Growth2022-04-13 10:00:01+00:00Mercari
Test parallelization in Go: Understanding the t.Parallel() method2022-04-12 13:00:36+00:00Mercari
Tool created to help improve local web frontend performance2022-04-11 13:00:10+00:00Mercari
CoreNFC on iOS: How to Add NFC Scanning to Your iOS App2022-04-08 09:54:41+00:00Mercari
What is new in Go 1.182022-04-05 09:30:14+00:00Mercari
Reconciliation in microservices2022-03-17 10:06:44+00:00Mercari
The current state of automation in the Merpay QA Team2022-03-16 10:00:14+00:00Mercari
Mercari now Sponsoring Python and PHP2022-03-16 08:36:05+00:00Mercari
Building a simple search API2022-03-15 10:00:19+00:00Mercari
The story behind creating the engineer rotation program2022-03-11 10:00:08+00:00Mercari
Merpay Frontend Team tackles the four major quality issues: testing, performance, accessibility, and security #TeamInterview2022-03-08 17:50:35+00:00Mercari
Embedded SRE at Mercari2022-02-21 16:29:22+00:00Mercari
Dynamic Service Routing using Istio2022-02-18 11:13:31+00:00Mercari
Merpay Code Payment Team—Supporting Robustness and Availability Through Its Efforts and Creative Solutions #TeamInterview2022-02-15 16:21:30+00:00Mercari
Managing Network Policies for namespaces isolation on a multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster2022-02-14 11:17:27+00:00Mercari
How Istio solved our problems2022-02-10 16:34:50+00:00Mercari
Introduction of the Network team2022-02-09 20:26:09+00:00Mercari
Mercari CTO, VP, and directors look back on 2021: Enhancing personalization, handling incidents across multiple groups, and promoting D&I2022-02-07 18:04:19+00:00Mercari
Introduction of Search2022-02-04 14:20:40+00:00Mercari
Defense Against Novel Threats: Redesigning CI at Mercari2022-02-03 20:10:06+00:00Mercari
Towards a more stable and secure CD system replacement2022-02-02 11:30:05+00:00Mercari
A Platform Support Workflow2022-02-01 16:54:41+00:00Mercari
Promote Zero Touch Production – further features of Carrier2022-02-01 11:35:34+00:00Mercari
The Mercari Personalization Core Team: Supporting Development of the Home Screen—the “Face” of the Application #TeamInterview2022-02-01 10:34:10+00:00Mercari
Introduction of the CI/CD team2022-01-28 15:26:20+00:00Mercari
Kubernetes Configuration Management with CUE2022-01-27 20:06:25+00:00Mercari
Shifting to Zero Touch Production2022-01-26 14:00:47+00:00Mercari
Developer Experience at Mercari2022-01-25 19:08:20+00:00Mercari
Observability-kit: Adventures of using CUE at scale2022-01-23 16:32:32+00:00Mercari
Securing Terraform monorepo CI2022-01-22 12:00:17+00:00Mercari
Introducing Platform Infra Team at Mercari2022-01-21 15:10:50+00:00Mercari
Introduction of Web Auth Service2022-01-20 16:24:48+00:00Mercari
Trying to run DML with Priority specified in Cloud Spanner2022-01-20 12:08:11+00:00Mercari
Implement the dynamic rendering service2022-01-19 12:34:12+00:00Mercari
Introduction of Web Platform2022-01-18 15:44:24+00:00Mercari
Blog Series of Introduction of Developer Productivity Engineering at Mercari2022-01-17 08:58:05+00:00Mercari
(Career) Change is the only constant2021-12-24 10:00:57+00:00Mercari
Migrating a monolithic service under the bed (part 3 of 3)2021-12-23 16:36:17+00:00Mercari
Migrating a monolithic service under the bed (part 2 of 3)2021-12-23 16:36:14+00:00Mercari
Migrating a monolithic service under the bed (part 1 of 3)2021-12-23 16:36:11+00:00Mercari
Exporting our Customers’ Personal Information with care2021-12-23 12:00:47+00:00Mercari
The Mercari Client CI/CD Team: Improving the Productivity of a Development Organization That Continues to Expand #TeamInterview2021-12-22 12:38:33+00:00Mercari
The Merpay QA Team: Maintaining Quality for Safe and Secure Products #TeamInterview2021-12-22 11:48:58+00:00Mercari
Interpretability/explainability in machine learning2021-12-22 10:15:16+00:00Mercari
A Deep Dive into Table-Driven Testing in Golang2021-12-22 10:00:19+00:00Mercari
Kubernetes based autoscaler for Cloud Spanner2021-12-20 10:00:23+00:00Mercari
Mercari’s Opensource Supporter Project2021-12-16 11:00:48+00:00Mercari
Accessibility Testing 1012021-12-15 09:28:25+00:00Mercari
Microservice Migration at Mercari: The Ideal and the Real2021-12-13 17:41:39+00:00Mercari
Why is Mercari Investing in Business Infrastructure Enhancement Now? All About the “Robust Foundation for Speed” Project2021-12-13 16:32:57+00:00Mercari
🪙 The Future of NFTs on E-commerce2021-12-13 16:26:47+00:00Mercari
What Are the Biggest Challenges Facing the Mercari CTO Today? Looking Back on Both the Technology and the Organization2021-12-13 16:24:49+00:00Mercari
JetFire – Validation Platform for ML models on mobile devices2021-12-13 07:00:06+00:00Mercari
Chaos engineering with chaos mesh in payment-service2021-12-12 13:00:13+00:00Mercari
Bazel Remote Execution for iOS Builds with Apple Silicon2021-12-12 10:00:52+00:00Mercari
Effective abstraction in a modern React project2021-12-11 10:00:17+00:00Mercari
How is Security Testing Different from Typical Software Testing?2021-12-10 10:00:28+00:00Mercari
Test Automation Policy in Merpay Frontend2021-12-08 09:00:35+00:00Mercari
Assisting Customer Support Agents by Providing Suggestions for Reply Templates2021-12-07 09:00:45+00:00Mercari
Interviewing and Onboarding at Mercari From Overseas With an 8 hour Time Difference2021-12-04 10:00:03+00:00Mercari
Systems Thinking for Engineering2021-12-03 10:00:02+00:00Mercari
CI/CD Metrics with GSM Framework2021-12-02 06:00:37+00:00Mercari
Why is metadata important?2021-12-01 14:00:38+00:00Mercari
Compiling for iOS on Apple M12021-11-30 12:00:19+00:00Mercari
Mercari Advent Calendar 2021 is coming up!2021-11-25 14:30:17+00:00Mercari
Next Direction of Engineering Office2021-11-21 13:12:56+00:00Mercari
Instant Delivery: Report on Autonomous Delivery Robots2021-11-09 18:07:25+00:00Mercari
Natural views for self-supervised learning2021-10-15 16:44:53+00:00Mercari